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How to Prepare for a Visit from the ICE


One of the most terrifying moments for any immigrant is a knock on the door from immigration agents, also known as ICE. Not only does this have the potential to put you in an incredibly dangerous position, it can put your family in a vulnerable position as well. This is why our Phoenix immigration lawyers of Kanu & Associates, P.C. want to ensure you know your rights, so you can handle an ICE visit as appropriately as possible.

If immigration officers are at your door, keep the door closed at all costs. While opening the door does not allow them entry, it is best to speak through the screen or window. You are entitled to asking for an interpreter, as well as asking the agents why they are at your place of residence. The agents are only allowed to enter if they have a warrant signed by a judge, and no one else. You may ask them to slip the warrant under the door, and examine the document to ensure it is not simply an administrative warrant of removal. If they do not have the proper documentation, assert your rights by stating: “I do not consent to your entry. I am exercising my right to remain silent, and I wish to speak to an attorney immediately.”

Contact Our Trusted Phoenix Immigration Lawyers Today

Immigration matters are incredibly difficult to navigate, which is why our legal team at Kanu & Associates, P.C. wants to help you come out of your legal concern as successfully as possible. Our Phoenix immigration attorneys refuse to back down in the face of a challenge. We prioritize client satisfaction above all else--allow us to advocate on your behalf.

Speak to a trusted member of our firm by calling (602) 353-7795 at your earliest convenience.
