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What is in the "Buy American, Hire American" Executive Order?


President Trump signed the “Buy American, Hire American” executive order, dedicated to making it more difficult for skilled foreign workers to obtain visas. This order also directs the federal government to disallow foreign contractors from bidding on federal projects. He stated, “The policy of our government is to aggressively promote and use American-made goods and to ensure that American labor is hired to do the job.”

This order comes as no surprise to those who are familiar with his campaign promises, as one of his leading points was to bring business and jobs back to the United States, away from the hands of other countries. President Trump promised to create opportunities for more people to see “Made in USA” on various products and merchandise. He has consistently rallied against free-trade deals, a message that resonated with blue-collar workers who have long-complained of the outsourcing of American jobs overseas. This order highly discourages the use of foreign labor, and promises to crack down on fraud in the H-1B visa program.

In his promise to fight for a reasonable deal for blue-collar workers, President Trump risks alienating the millions of immigrants who are an irreplaceable part of the United States. These invaluable members of the community contribute to the American workforce every day.

Contact Our Phoenix Immigration Attorneys Today

At Kanu & Associates, P.C., we are comprised of some of the most compassionate, hard-working, and determined immigration attorneys in Phoenix. If you are concerned about how this administration’s political stance on immigration will legally affect you and your family, we want to help. You don’t have to face this confusing and difficult time on your own.

Call (602) 353-7795 today to schedule an initial consultation with one of our Phoenix immigration attorneys today.
