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E2 Visa Denials


Any sort of denial during the immigration process is undesirable, and our Phoenix immigration attorneys want to do everything we can to prevent it from happening to you. Unfortunately, however, denials are often a part of the journey to citizenship--one of the most common is an E2 Visa denial. An E2 Visa is for treaty investors, and you are only granted one if you are a national of an E2 treaty country, have made a substantial investment, and have developed a bona fide enterprise.

The most common reason for an E2 Visa denial is if you have invested in a marginal enterprise, as opposed to bona fide. A bona fide enterprise is classified as such because it has the present or future capacity to generate more than satisfactory living expenses for a treaty investor. If the enterprise can’t do so, it is deemed marginal, and thus inadequate for the purpose of an E2 Visa.

Our Phoenix immigration attorneys know the ins and outs of what you need in order to be granted an E2 Visa, as we have the financial adeptness to accurately and thoroughly advise you, depending on the details of your case. We can inform of you of the financial requirements for the necessary investments, as well as how to move forward following an E2 Visa denial.

Contact Our Phoenix Immigration Attorneys Today

Kanu & Associates, P.C. is comprised of some of the most experienced, dedicated, and skilled Phoenix immigration attorneys in the field. We believe in thorough, compassionate, and aggressive advocacy, because our clients are our number one priority. Whether you are in need of preventative guidance or are truly in hot water and can’t seem to find a way out, we want to be there for you. Don’t face your legal concerns on your own.

To speak to a member of our firm, please don’t hesitate to call us at (602) 353-7795.
